NCERT Books App for Class 1 to 12 all Books, Solutions, Notes, Exemplar Offline If you want any more information please tell us and give us valuable Rating and Suggestion.

Users’ feedback will be highly appreciated in improving this and related apps. The app is very easy to use and interactive. One click get All Chapters of The Book.No need of INTERNET & 3rd party software.In case of book loss you don’t need to worry about anything simple tap to have it on your smart phone so then you can easily identify its worth downloading. This app covers all main chapters with easy navigation among pages. the important lines like you normally do while studying your book physically or in hard form. You don’t need book in physical form that’s why it is easy to use with additional features like Zoom, scanning, Swap, highlighting and …. The app is in a soft form as a handbook you can keep it in your smart device and use it wherever you are. This app will be useful for students with no need of Internet, works offline and only one time download with complete features. This app covers All Text Books From grade 1 – 12. Contains all textbooks and teachers guides Kanaafuu Future Updates’f ilaaluu dandeenya.īeneficial for students and teachers. Odeeffannoo dabalataa yoo barbaaddan nuuf himaa Rating fi Suggestion gatii guddaa qabu nuuf kennaa. Appii kanaa fi kanneen kanaan walqabatan fooyyessuu keessatti yaadni fayyadamtootaa baayyee dinqisiifama. One click get Boqonnaawwan Kitaaba Afaan Oromoo Hundaa.Īppichi itti fayyadamuuf baayyee salphaa fi wal-qunnamtii kan qabudha.INTERNET & software qaama 3ffaa hin barbaachisu.Interactive Fayyadamtootaa Interactive.Kutaa 1 – 12 Kitaabota Barnootaa app Features. Yoo kitaaba bade waa’ee waan salphaa ta’eef yaadda’uu hin barbaachisu bilbila ismaartii keessan irratti qabaachuuf tuquun kanaaf sana booda salphaatti gatii isaa buufachuu adda baasuu dandeessu. Appiin kun boqonnaawwan gurguddoo hunda kan uwwisu yoo ta’u fuula gidduutti salphaatti deemuun ni danda’ama. sararoota barbaachisoo akka ati yeroo idilee kitaaba kee qaamaan ykn bifa cimaadhaan yeroo qo’attu gootu fayyadamuun salphaadha. Kitaaba bifa qaamaan si hin barbaachisu kanaafidha amaloota dabalataa kanneen akka Zoom, scanning, Swap, highlighting fi …. Appichi bifa lallaafaa ta’een akka kitaaba harkaatti meeshaa ismaartii keessan keessa kaa’uu fi bakka jirtanitti itti fayyadamuu dandeessu. Appiin kun barattoota interneetii hin barbaachifneef ni fayyada, toora irraa ala kan hojjetuu fi yeroo tokko qofa kan buufatu yoo ta’u, amaloota guutuu qaba. Kitaabota barnootaa fi qajeelfama barsiisotaa hunda of keessaa qaba Barattootaa fi barsiisotaaf faayidaa qaba.